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Gulf Harbour Charters was originally started by Philip and Lynell Wilson, when Philip decided he needed a break from boat building, almost 20 years ago.
Originally the fleet consisted of two launches, Sian and Fremar. Both have always reflected Philip’s boat building craftsmanship with their immaculate presentation as well as the faultless administration of their marine survey requirements.
In 2016 Philip and Lynell decided to put a timeline on their involvement in the business, with a view to spending more time enjoying an overdue retirement - of sorts. So they took Fremar out of survey in order to begin enjoying her as owners should, rather than as caretakers would - for the enjoyment of others.
Paul Marra purchased the remaining 11.6 metre Pelin Challenger, Sian in mid 2017. She is now one of the few remaining bare boat launch charter options in Auckland. Philip Wilson stays close at hand with his involvement in many of Gulf Harbour’s privately owned boats. But most importantly, he is still on hand to offer his invaluable advice and experience, and to act as a consultant for Paul while he navigates his way through the extensive MOSS survey process.
Gulf Harbour Charters has spent many years building an enviable reputation for consistently providing quality, safe, well maintained charter vessels. With solo launch Sian getting all the care and attention to herself these days, that reputation for quality service and safety is set to continue well into the future.